5 Reasons To Love Math 

5 Reasons To Love Math 

Reasons to love mathFive Reasons to Love Math

Next time you say, “I don’t need Math to be a successful person in life!” think twice. Many students reject what they find difficult. Although Math has its challenging parts, it is beneficial to each and everyone of us, and to society overall. Do you think the computer in front of you would be working without advanced Math? Or the smart phone that you love so much? Nope.

Math is not only useful when you have to figure out a 20% tip at a restaurant — for the generous ones out there.  It is also about seeing its usefulness on a greater scale, and the many advantages it offers us.

Read further as we provide more reasons to love math so you can see why we believe it is truly a magical subject!

1. A Universal Language
Learning foreign languages can take time and some of us simply don’t have the ‘ear’ for it. Math crosses all barriers. A plus ‘+’ sign carries the same meaning in any language and the number system is understood most everywhere; speaking Math can bring you close to people on the other side of the planet who share the same passion. Have you ever seen one of those world engineering conferences, where people from all over come together to chat in their favorite language? That could be you. 

2. Math-based Careers Earn More Money
It is known that science-related jobs, which most require Math knowledge, will end up paying more. Plus, those who dedicate their lives to being architects, astrophysicists, engineers also make a huge difference in our community. Want to have a fulfilling career that also pays well? Maybe you can give Math a second chance.

3. Keeps Brain From Aging
Solving Math problems or fun exercises is extremely beneficial to the activity of the brain, and keeping those neurons from aging. Have you seen a person playing Sudoku to ‘keep the brain active? Imagine what understanding of intermediate or advanced Math can do for your overall health. Not to mention that satisfying release of dopamine when you get an answer right to a difficult question!

Here at Math Tutoring Professionals we LOVE Math! There is nothing like that satisfaction when you see a student finally understand that math problem or start improving in his or her class.  Tutoring or teaching is another avenue you can keep you mind active with math.  It always keeps you on your toes, and once the interaction is achieved between tutor and student, it makes the teaching and learning that much more effective.

Come tutor with us or schedule your first tutoring session on our website if you need help getting through some tough assignments or preparing for the a test like the SAT.

4. Math Is Fun
Yes, it actually is fun! You just have to learn to see it. Have you ever seen a nautilus? One of the oldest species on Earth – 500 million years old that has a shell that grows in the pattern of the  Fibonacci sequence, a number sequence where any number is the sum of the previous two. Patterns such as this can be found abundantly in nature and have been used to develop algorithms essential to creating new technologies.

You think a video game is fun? You wouldn’t be able to play it if Math didn’t exist.

Math is often associated with distaste and strong dislike, to the point of hate for many students.  This is most often the case because math is particular in the sense that concepts literally build on themselves and depend on each other so much. It is almost like building a house.  To get to the top you have to keep laying bricks and you can’t lay a brick without having one below it.

This connection between math concepts can make things terribly frustrating and is in fact why most people end up despising math. Once someone loses it with math they usually give up since the next topic is harder, and the next one is even harder, and eventually it’s game over. It’s almost like asking a home builder to work on the roof when the foundation hasn’t even been laid out yet.

A great piece of advise with math is to never move forward without understanding what you are doing.  The name of the game is catch things early. Don’t wait until your junior year to iron out your math fundamentals before taking the SAT. We see it all too often!

The moment you don’t understand something, raise your hand in class, google it or get help from a tutor. You will find that this is the key for making your math voyage much more enjoyable.  You will actually understand and be able to get through a Calculus class since you mastered Algebra 2.  Geometric equations will seem like a breeze since you understood Alg1 and so forth.

5. Precise, Clear-Cut
Ok, so everything can be relative, to a certain extent. We hear that in physics a lot, and in Math it’s true as well. Yet, can you truly compare writing a 1,000-word essay to solving a Math quiz when it comes to grading or getting the recognition that you deserve? Math is straightforward, clear, unambiguous. It leaves little to no room for interpretation or arguments. Simple and beautiful. That’s what makes Math our favorite subject!

For those of you that tend to be very exact and precise in your ways, you might fall in love with math even quicker! Isn’t it a mystery how math works the way it does in our universe?  How is that certain formulas always hold true? How can we be so exact as to send a rocket into space? The laws align themselves and have given humanity a chance to function in better ways.  We should really feel honored and privileged to be exposed and be able to use an exact science like Math!


One of the things that naturally happens when learning many subjects is that we start appreciating things once we get a hold of the concepts, and actually understand what we are doing. Math in many ways works just the same.

We have given you quite a few reasons to love math, and it is our hope that through this you will take it upon yourself to study and practice math in the right way.  When this happens we have seen tons of students actually even grow to love math. And as always, don’t hesitate to contact us for any help we can provide you along the way.  We are here to help pave your path forward towards academic success!

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Cristian, CEO at MTP5 Reasons To Love Math